How to Deactivate a User Account
Any MTL user can deactivate their MTL computer and IDenticard fab access (and stop the associated fees) by logging into MIT.nano & MTL MUMMS, clicking on the Manage Your Services link and removing *all* their MTL and Building 39 related services.
A user's supervisor or supervisor administrator can also request a user's MTL account be deactivated by logging into MIT.nano & MTL MUMMS, clicking on Manage Users, then selecting the user in question and choosing Request Inactivation on the user's main page.
How to Deactivate a Computer Account
To request a computer be Deactivated (and stop the associated fee), the computer's supervisor or supervisor administrator can login to MIT.nano & MTL MUMMS, click on Manage Computers, select the computer in question and then choose Request Inactivation on the computer's main page.
If you need assistance with MIT.nano & MTL MUMMS or are having difficulty requesting deactivation of a user or computer, then please e-mail either mumms [at] (mumms[at]mtl[dot]mit[dot]edu) or mumms-problems [at] (mumms-problems[at]mtl[dot]mit[dot]edu).